Moving Beyond Fear
Bringing the Power of Love & Wisdom to Pregnancy & Birth
55-minute pregnancy coaching session
You will benefit from the years of professional pregnancy and birth experience and the acquired wisdom of Dr. Vanita, Nurse-Midwife. She will help you to clarify your values and desires and support you in creating them. Her caring attention and positive attitude about pregnancy and birth will help you identify and move through any worries, anxieties, and fears. She can assist you as you make decisions and guide you to avoid the common pitfalls that can lead to unnecessary interventions and cesareans. You will be inspired to trust yourself, your intuition, your body, and your baby to have an empowered birth.
“Birth Inspirer” Pregnancy Coaching
One of the most amazing times in a pregnant woman/person's life can be carrying and giving birth to a child. Unfortunately, too many expectant mothers, partners, and families do not experience this time as positive or as empowering. Many families assume our maternity system was designed to primarily serve the needs of expectant mothers and newborns. They believe their care will be appropriate and medically necessary. Therefore, they innocently follow medical recommendations without exploring all their options, without asking questions, and without understanding their legal or even basic human rights in the medical system.
Another challenge that pregnant women/people face is that our culture often doesn't fully recognize the enormous adaptations pregnant women need to make in almost every aspect of their lives. Changes are occurring physically, emotionally, psychologically, socially, and spiritually. As with every new journey we embark on, often unresolved issues from our past arise to be healed. Families that are well-supported in all areas of their lives have the most positive experiences.
I specialize in coaching expectant mothers, partners, and families who desire to approach this exciting adventure as an opportunity to grow and awaken. Those who work with me can expect to (1) consciously make choices that align with their values, (2) learn to use technologies if it assists them in attaining their goals, (3) learn to increasingly trust their instinctual nature and (4) manifest more of their authentic selves.
Reap the benefits of my decades of experience and wisdom as a highly educated and experienced holistic childbirth expert. I have counseled pregnant women/people, partners, and families for decades through the transformative journey of childbearing and becoming a parent or grandparent. I am excited to support you through this incredible journey, including the fourth trimester and beyond. You can increase your trust in your body, and intuition, and learn to flow more and more with Life Herself.
Some of our coaching topics
Accepting all your emotions
When to make the big announcement to family/friends
Coping with discomforts of nausea, vomiting, fatigue etc.
Opening to nurturing from others
Choosing a birth positive health care provider
Understanding the maze of genetic testing & lab options
Changing relationships with your partner, your mother & family
Dreaming yourself as a mother
Transforming F.E.A.R from “False Evidence Appearing Real” to “Fortunately, Everything’s All Right!"
Committing to radical self-care & better boundaries
Healing the past to be fully present in your pregnancy
Facing addictions
Finding a Higher Power & learning to trust it for guidance
From Vegan to Omnivore- nutritional assessment & guidance
“How much weight should I gain?”
Fun exercise & movement
Trusting your intuition (small inner voice) for guidance
Making decisions from love instead of fear
Learning to use the power of your mind
Choosing a birth positive health care provider
Making friends with your body
Developing birth positive support
Bonding deeper with your unborn
Choosing your birth site
Childbirth classes – are they for you?
Supporting your partner
Reassurance all is well: preterm labor signs & fetal movement counts
Putting risks into perspective
Career adjustments and plans
Coping with family issues & concerns
Improving communication skills for all relationships
Assertiveness training. Ending people pleasing & attachments to being N.I.C.E.- neurotic, insecure, co-dependent and emotional
Navigating a complex & fragmented medical system
Know your legal rights in medical system
Birth plans & labor coping skills
Choosing your labor team
Doula anyone?
Reducing your risk of "unnec-cesareans"
Preparing your nurturing nest
Understanding routine newborn procedures
Holistic approach to vaccinations
Preparing for parenthood
Newborn sleep arrangements
Sibling & pet preparation
Contraceptive choices & ideal child spacing
Establishing breastfeeding
Understanding the importance of rest
Allowing nurturing from others & asking for help
Enjoying postpartum ecstasy & elation
Understanding “the baby blues” & coping with depression if it arises
Letting go of perfectionism
Relationships transforming- appreciating your partner
Resuming your sexual relationship
Private Coaching Discounted Packages
3 Session Package
This discounted three- session package will allow you to benefit more deeply from the years of professional pregnancy and birth experience and acquired wisdom of Dr. Vanita, Nurse-Midwife. She will help you to clarify your values and desires. Her caring attention and positive attitude about pregnancy and birth will help you to identify and move through any anxieties and fears you may have. You will be inspired to trust yourself, your intuition, your body and your baby as you avoid common pitfalls that can lead to unnecessary interventions and cesareans.
5 Session Package
This discounted five--session package will allow you to benefit even more deeply from the years of professional pregnancy and birth experience and acquired wisdom of Dr. Vanita, Nurse-Midwife. She will help you to clarify your values and desires. Her caring attention and positive attitude about pregnancy and birth will help you to identify and move through any anxieties and fears you may have. You will be inspired to trust yourself, your intuition, your body and your baby as you avoid common pitfalls that can lead to unnecessary interventions and cesareans.
10 Session Package
This discounted ten-session package will allow you to benefit the most deeply from the years of professional pregnancy and birth experience and acquired wisdom of Dr. Vanita, Nurse-Midwife. She will help you to clarify your values and desires. Her caring attention and positive attitude about pregnancy and birth will help you to identify and move through any anxieties and fears you may have. You will be inspired to trust yourself, your intuition, your body and your baby as you avoid common pitfalls that can lead to unnecessary interventions and cesareans.
Sessions by Zoom or phone; packages include email support.
Disclosure: Dr. Vanita Lott is providing coaching sessions to enhance your experience, and support you to have a safe and joyous holistic pregnancy and birth. She is providing purely coaching services. She is not providing clinical advice, clinical services or reviewing medical charts. Women/pregnant people are advised to receive medical or midwifery care from a local provider who accepts full responsibility for their clinical care. Dr. Vanita is not a licensed mental health professional. Coaching provides powerful support but is not therapy. She may suggest a client consider other professional services or therapy if she thinks that would assist you.
I share my decades of knowledge, experience, and wisdom to empower YOU NOW to make your own fully informed choices for a safer, easier, and more beautiful birth.
If you desire a joyful pregnancy and a deeply satisfying birth, this site is for YOU. Sidestep the common snares that interfere everyday with healthy and positive birth experiences.
Find your best self
I assist you to elevate your mindset, get clear about your values and what you want from your pregnancy, birth and life. I facilitate your remembering who you really are so you can live your dreams.
Since 1983, I have attended approximately 1500 high-risk and healthy births. I have “caught” and also delivered babies in a medical center, an independent birth center, and my former professional home birth practice.